Video index
IV.A. Proclamation recognizing the Celina High School Cheer Team (Tubbs)
IV.C. Proclamation observing Surveyor's Week. (Tubbs)
IV.B. Recognition of Carl Hultgren (White)
IV.D. EDC Update. (Satarino)
V.A. Discussion regarding the Development Services Processes Evaluation (Brawner)
V.B. Discussion on water conservation for summer 2025. (Figueroa)
V.C. Discussion regarding a school championship recognition policy. (Kearney)
VII.S. Consider and act upon a Chapter 380 Economic Development and Performance Agreement with BARM Group, LLC; for an amount not to exceed $75,000.00. (Satarino) (Part 1 of 2)
VII.S. Consider and act upon a Chapter 380 Economic Development and Performance Agreement with BARM Group, LLC; for an amount not to exceed $75,000.00. (Satarino) (Part 2 of 2)
VIII.A. Conduct a public hearing to consider and act upon an Ordinance Amending the City’s Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10: Subdivision Regulation, Article 10.02: Impact Fees, Division 3: Roadway Facilities by adopting Updated Land Use Assumptions; adopting an updated Capital Improvements Plan for roadways; adopting an updated land use equivalency table; adopting revised roadway Impact Rees; adopting a revised Schedule 1, Assessment Rates, and Schedule 2, Collection Rates, for roadway facilities; updating ordinance reference numbers; and providing for the repeal of the unattributed credits reimbursement provision under Section 10.02.071. (Glasgow)
VIII.B. Consider and act upon an Ordinance altering the prima facie speed limits established for vehicles under the provisions of the transportation code, section 545.356 upon a segment of Preston Road (SH 289) between North Legacy Drive and E. G.A. Moore Parkway (CR 100), that is within the incorporate limits of the City of Celina. (Glasgow)
VIII.C. Conduct a public hearing to consider and act upon a request for a Development Agreement on approximately 26 acres of land; generally located 1,800 feet east of Preston Road and north of Frontier Parkway, within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). (Millen Farms – Development Agreement) (McAfee)
VIII.D. Conduct a public hearing to consider and act upon a request to rezone approximately 41 acres to Commercial, Office, & Retail District (C) zoning; generally located north and south of future Doe Branch Boulevard and approximately 2,725 feet west of Dallas North Tollway, within the City Limits. (McKenzie Tract – Rezoning) (Mohan)
VIII.E. Conduct a public hearing to consider and act upon a request for a Development Agreement on approximately 8 acres of land; generally located 1,000 feet north of future O’Brien Drive and west of future Legacy Drive, within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). (Yellow Door Storage – Development Agreement) (Mohan)
VIII.F. The Celina City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider public comment regarding the creation of the Legacy Celina Public Improvement District and act upon a Resolution creating the Legacy Celina Public Improvement District.(Stovall)
VIII.G. The Celina City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider public comment regarding the creation of the Celina 241 Public Improvement District and act upon a Resolution creating the Celina 241 Public Improvement District. (Stovall)
VIII.H. The Celina City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider public comment and act upon an Ordinance accepting and approving a final Sutton Fields East Public Improvement District Service and Assessment Plan, including the Phase #2 Assessment Roll; making a finding of special benefit to property within Phase #2 of the Sutton Fields East Public Improvement District; levying special assessments against such property and establishing a lien on such property; providing for the method of assessment and the payment of the assessments levied against the assessed property, in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended. (Bromiley)
IX.A. Consider and act upon an Ordinance of the City of Celina, Texas, approving and authorizing the issuance and sale of the City of Celina, Texas, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2025 (Sutton Fields East Improvement District Phase #2 Project); approving and authorizing related agreements; and providing an effective date. (Bromiley)
IX.B. Consider and act upon a Resolution adopting the 2025-2028 Economic Development Strategic Framework. (Satarino)
IX.C. Consider and act on acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2024 Audit, the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), and presentation by Forvis Mazars, LLP. (Bromiley)
IX.D. Consider and act to award RFP 2025-009 for Solid Waste and Recycling Services to Community Waste Disposal L.P. at the unit prices listed for an initial five-year contract term with two renewal periods. (Berry)
IX.E. Consider and act upon a Resolution approving the Neighborhood Integrity Program policy. (Kearney)
IX.F. Consider and appoint City Council Members to serve on art selection committees for Downtown Center art projects. (Kearney)
IX.G. Consider and act to authorize the purchase of two Pierce Fire Trucks from Siddons Martin Emergency Group in an amount not to exceed $2,416,840.00. (White)
IX.H. Consider and act on all matters incident and related to approving and authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation, including the adoption of a Resolution pertaining thereto. (Stovall)
IX.I. Consider and act on all matters incident and related to declaring the expectation to reimburse expenditures with proceeds of future debt, including the adoption of a Resolution pertaining thereto. (Stovall)
Mar 11, 2025 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
IV.A. Proclamation recognizing the Celina High School Cheer Team (Tubbs)
IV.C. Proclamation observing Surveyor's Week. (Tubbs)
IV.B. Recognition of Carl Hultgren (White)
IV.D. EDC Update. (Satarino)
V.A. Discussion regarding the Development Services Processes Evaluation (Brawner)
V.B. Discussion on water conservation for summer 2025. (Figueroa)
V.C. Discussion regarding a school championship recognition policy. (Kearney)
VII.S. Consider and act upon a Chapter 380 Economic Development and Performance Agreement with BARM Group, LLC; for an amount not to exceed $75,000.00. (Satarino) (Part 1 of 2)
VII.S. Consider and act upon a Chapter 380 Economic Development and Performance Agreement with BARM Group, LLC; for an amount not to exceed $75,000.00. (Satarino) (Part 2 of 2)
VIII.A. Conduct a public hearing to consider and act upon an Ordinance Amending the City’s Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10: Subdivision Regulation, Article 10.02: Impact Fees, Division 3: Roadway Facilities by adopting Updated Land Use Assumptions; adopting an updated Capital Improvements Plan for roadways; adopting an updated land use equivalency table; adopting revised roadway Impact Rees; adopting a revised Schedule 1, Assessment Rates, and Schedule 2, Collection Rates, for roadway facilities; updating ordinance reference numbers; and providing for the repeal of the unattributed credits reimbursement provision under Section 10.02.071. (Glasgow)
VIII.B. Consider and act upon an Ordinance altering the prima facie speed limits established for vehicles under the provisions of the transportation code, section 545.356 upon a segment of Preston Road (SH 289) between North Legacy Drive and E. G.A. Moore Parkway (CR 100), that is within the incorporate limits of the City of Celina. (Glasgow)
VIII.C. Conduct a public hearing to consider and act upon a request for a Development Agreement on approximately 26 acres of land; generally located 1,800 feet east of Preston Road and north of Frontier Parkway, within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). (Millen Farms – Development Agreement) (McAfee)
VIII.D. Conduct a public hearing to consider and act upon a request to rezone approximately 41 acres to Commercial, Office, & Retail District (C) zoning; generally located north and south of future Doe Branch Boulevard and approximately 2,725 feet west of Dallas North Tollway, within the City Limits. (McKenzie Tract – Rezoning) (Mohan)
VIII.E. Conduct a public hearing to consider and act upon a request for a Development Agreement on approximately 8 acres of land; generally located 1,000 feet north of future O’Brien Drive and west of future Legacy Drive, within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). (Yellow Door Storage – Development Agreement) (Mohan)
VIII.F. The Celina City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider public comment regarding the creation of the Legacy Celina Public Improvement District and act upon a Resolution creating the Legacy Celina Public Improvement District.(Stovall)
VIII.G. The Celina City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider public comment regarding the creation of the Celina 241 Public Improvement District and act upon a Resolution creating the Celina 241 Public Improvement District. (Stovall)
VIII.H. The Celina City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider public comment and act upon an Ordinance accepting and approving a final Sutton Fields East Public Improvement District Service and Assessment Plan, including the Phase #2 Assessment Roll; making a finding of special benefit to property within Phase #2 of the Sutton Fields East Public Improvement District; levying special assessments against such property and establishing a lien on such property; providing for the method of assessment and the payment of the assessments levied against the assessed property, in accordance with Chapter 372 of the Texas Local Government Code, as amended. (Bromiley)
IX.A. Consider and act upon an Ordinance of the City of Celina, Texas, approving and authorizing the issuance and sale of the City of Celina, Texas, Special Assessment Revenue Bonds, Series 2025 (Sutton Fields East Improvement District Phase #2 Project); approving and authorizing related agreements; and providing an effective date. (Bromiley)
IX.B. Consider and act upon a Resolution adopting the 2025-2028 Economic Development Strategic Framework. (Satarino)
IX.C. Consider and act on acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2024 Audit, the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), and presentation by Forvis Mazars, LLP. (Bromiley)
IX.D. Consider and act to award RFP 2025-009 for Solid Waste and Recycling Services to Community Waste Disposal L.P. at the unit prices listed for an initial five-year contract term with two renewal periods. (Berry)
IX.E. Consider and act upon a Resolution approving the Neighborhood Integrity Program policy. (Kearney)
IX.F. Consider and appoint City Council Members to serve on art selection committees for Downtown Center art projects. (Kearney)
IX.G. Consider and act to authorize the purchase of two Pierce Fire Trucks from Siddons Martin Emergency Group in an amount not to exceed $2,416,840.00. (White)
IX.H. Consider and act on all matters incident and related to approving and authorizing publication of notice of intention to issue certificates of obligation, including the adoption of a Resolution pertaining thereto. (Stovall)
IX.I. Consider and act on all matters incident and related to declaring the expectation to reimburse expenditures with proceeds of future debt, including the adoption of a Resolution pertaining thereto. (Stovall)
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